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Spring Festival Greetings from The CPPCC National Committee to Taiwan Compatriots
   日期:2003-08-08 10:47        编辑: system        来源:

  Dear Taiwan Compatriots,
On this traditional festival of the Chinese nation--and the first Spring Festival of the 1980s--we would like to extend cordial greetings and our deepest regards to our elders, brothers and sisters in Taiwan and our gratitude to our friends residing in China and abroad who are making their contributions towards the reunification of China.
Both Taiwan and the mainland of our motherland, which have been exploited and developed by our forebears through their hard work, are soaked with their blood and sweat. For more than 100 years, the people of Taiwan, together with the people of various nationalities on the mainland, have carried on heroic struggles, with new forces stepping into the breach as others fell, in search of a path to save the nation and the people and to build an independent, unified and prosperous new China. We will remember for ever those martyrs who laid down their lives for the cause of liberation of the Chinese nation. They are the heroes of the Chinese nation and deserve therespect of the people.
Our Taiwan compatriots have a glorious tradition of loving the motherland. Opposition to "two Chinas," the "independence of Taiwan" and schism and the fight for the reunification of the motherland are the common aspiration of the people ofvarious nationalities in the country, including compatriots in Taiwan. For more than three decades, the Taiwan authorities have, by every means, restricted and cruelly suppressed the just demands of the compatriots in Taiwan. In December of last year, the Taiwan authorities used the "Gaoxiong Incident" as a pretext to make mass arrests of patriotic compatriots and non-Kuomintang personages. This has aroused the great indignation of the people of the whole country, including compatriots in Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao and Chinese nationals residing abroad. We expressed cordialsympathy and solicitude for the arrested innocent compatriots and their families. The Taiwan authorities must stop these atrocities in suppressing the Taiwan compatriots and release the innocent compatriots so that they may reunite with theirfamilies at an early date.
It is 30 years since the mainland of the motherland was liberated. Today, the 900 million people, daring and energetic, are working with one mind for the realization of the four modernizations. Looking forward to the future, our belovedmotherland is full of hope and its prospects are bright. Nevertheless, Taiwan has not yet returned to the embrace of the motherland and the Taiwan compatriots cannot yet reunite with their compatriots on the mainland. Faced with this situation, how can we have peace of mind? No relation is closer than that of flesh and blood, no sorrow deeper than that of separation. The Taiwan Straits used to provide a passage forcontacts among the Chinese people; now it has become a barrier separating us. This state of affairs must not continue.
On New Year's Day last year, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress stated in its message to Taiwan compatriots the basic principles and policies for the solution of the Taiwan question. This message, which respects the reality of Taiwan and benefits all sides, was actively responded to by the masses of compatriots in Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao and Chinese nationals residing abroad. We hope that people of all walks of life in Taiwan will make continued efforts to urge the Kuomintang authorities to accept this proposal of the Communist Party of China for the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question--first of all, by re-establishing postal links, trade relations, and air and shipping services between Taiwan and the mainland. We hope the compatriots in Hongkong and Macao and Chinese nationals residing abroad will continue to exert their efforts. Let everyone promote reunification of China. We also hope the Taiwan authorities will have a clear understanding of the current situation, comply with the will of the people, grant democratic rights to our Taiwan compatriots, respect their patriotic feelings and take the common road of patriotism towards reunification of the motherland.
Dear Taiwan compatriots! Blood is thicker than water, and the feelings of kinship are deep. The relations between Taiwan and the mainland are as close as lips and teeth. Ours is a time full of hope. Let us raise high the banner of patriotism, come closer together and exert our efforts for the sacred cause of striving for an early reunification of the motherland. We firmly believe that in the 1980s we will spend the Spring Festivals together with our Taiwan compatriots.
Wishing the compatriots of various nationalities in Taiwan a happy Spring Festival and good health!
National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

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